How to review your test answers
Section A: Philosophical Underpinnings
Section B: Concepts and Principles
Section C: Measurement, Data Display and Interpretation
Section D: Experimental Design
Section E: Ethics
Section F: Behavior Assessment
Section G: Behavior Change Procedures
Section H: Selecting and Implementing Interventions
Section I: Personnel Supervision and Management
Mixed Mini-Mocks
Course Description
These are nice and easy to take in about a half-hour. We strongly encourage you to review the explanations - even for questions that you got right. Your first-time score is a good indication of your readiness. Feel really good if you're getting 80%. If not, don't feel bad, just review and let us help you move forward :)
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$149.00 /One-time
- 25-question tests
- Sections A-I
- answers and explanations